1.1 本服务仅为您个人非商业使用。
1.2 您依据本条款使用每日天气服务的权利不可转让。由转让给他人使用所造成的一切损失与纠纷,由您自行承担责任。
1.3 您不得使用未经每日天气授权的第三方工具、插件、外挂等对本条款的服务进行干扰、破坏、修改等。
1.4 每日天气将在现有技术和条件所能达到的状态下,确保为您提供的服务的一致性、连贯性、安全性。但不能随时预见和防范不可抗力所造成的风险,包括但不限于法律、技术、自然灾害、病毒、黑客攻击、政府行为等。
2.1 本软件的开发使用了第三方工具和服务。相关服务知识产权归属第三方。
2.2 本软件自我开发部分的知识产权归属每日天气。
3.1 发布、传送、传播、储存危害国家安全统一、破坏社会稳定、违反公序良俗、侮辱、诽谤、淫秽、暴力以及任何违反国家法律法规的内容;
3.2 发布、传送、传播、储存侵害他人知识产权、商业秘密等合法权利的内容;
3.3 恶意虚构事实、隐瞒真相以误导、欺骗他人;
3.4 发布、传送、传播广告信息及垃圾信息;
3.5 其他法律法规禁止的行为。
3.6 如果您造成了以上违法行为,每日天气将可能会对您提起公诉,或向国家相关机关提供您违法行为的证据协助调查。由此造成的您个人的损失、每日天气的损失以及第三方的损失,均由您承担。
4.1 您使用每日天气的服务即视为您已阅读本条款并接受本条款的约束。
4.2 本条款变更后,如果您继续使用每日天气提供的软件或服务,即视为您已接受修改后的条款。如果您不接受修改后的条款,应当停止使用。
5.1 每日天气可能会对服务内容进行变更、终止服务。
5.2 每日天气在发生合并、分立、收购、资产转让时,可向第三方转让本服务下相关资产。转让会以提前通知的方式在软件中送达您知晓。
5.3 如果您触发了用户违法行为,每日天气可不经由通知立即终止对您提供的服务。
6.1 本条款的成立、生效、履行、解释及纠纷解决,适用中华人民共和国大陆地区法律。
7.1 app@dingwei.art
You should read and abide by the "DailyWeather Terms of Service" (hereinafter referred to as "the terms"). Please read carefully and fully understand the content of each clause, especially the clauses that exempt or limit liability, jurisdiction and applicable laws. Your use of DailyWeather's services means that you have read and agreed to the terms and conditions.
If you are under the age of 18, please read and accept these terms with your legal guardian.
1. Conditions of Use
1.1 This service is for your personal non-commercial use only.
1.2 Your right to use DailyWeather services in accordance with these terms is not transferable. You are solely responsible for all losses and disputes caused by the transfer to others for use.
1.3 You must not use third-party tools, plug-ins, etc. that are not authorized by DailyWeather to interfere, destroy, or modify the services of this clause.
1.4 DailyWeather will ensure the consistency, continuity, and safety of the services provided to you under the current state of technology and conditions. However, the risks caused by force majeure cannot be foreseen and prevented at any time, including but not limited to laws, technology, natural disasters, viruses, hacker attacks, government actions, etc.
2. Intellectual Property
2.1 The development of this software uses third-party tools and services. The intellectual property rights of related services belong to a third party.
2.2 The intellectual property rights of the self-developed part of this software belong to DailyWeather.
3. User Illegal Behavior
3.1 Publish, transmit, disseminate, and store content that endangers national security and unity, disrupts social stability, violates public order and good customs, insults, slanders, obscenity, violence, and any content that violates national laws and regulations;
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3.3 Maliciously fabricate facts and conceal the truth to mislead or deceive others;
3.4 Publish, transmit and disseminate advertising information and spam;
3.5 Other actions prohibited by laws and regulations.
3.6 If you cause the above violations, DailyWeather may prosecute you or provide evidence of your violations to relevant state agencies to assist in the investigation. Your personal losses, DailyWeather losses and third party losses caused by this are all borne by you.
4. The Entry into Force of the Terms
4.1 Your use of DailyWeather's services is deemed to have read these terms and accepted the constraints of these terms.
4.2 After the terms are changed, if you continue to use the software or services provided by DailyWeather, you will be deemed to have accepted the revised terms. If you do not accept the revised terms, you should stop using it.
5. Service Change and Termination
5.1 DailyWeather may change the service content and terminate the service.
5.2 DailyWeather may transfer related assets under this service to a third party in the event of a merger, division, acquisition, or asset transfer. The transfer will be delivered to you in the software with advance notice.
5.3 If you trigger a user illegal act, DailyWeather may immediately terminate the service provided to you without notice.
6. Jurisdiction and Application of Law
6.1 The establishment, effectiveness, performance, interpretation and dispute resolution of these terms shall be governed by the laws of the Mainland of the People’s Republic of China.
7. Contact Information
7.1 app@dingwei.art